An interview with my boudoir client about her session experience:
Why did you want to do a Boudoir photo session? What did you hope to get from it?
“Been on my bucket list for a while. Needed a gift for my boyfriend and figured this was the right time to do it and the perfect gift
I was hoping to get from it a new look at myself. Succeeded!”
Were you nervous/worried/scared about doing a boudoir session? Why?
“All of the above! I have pretty low self esteem.”
What was your favorite part about the experience or working with me?
“My favourite part was getting my hair and make up done. You made me feel comfortable and beautiful.”
How did you feel after you left your session?
“I was happy and felt really good about myself.”
What would you say to a person who was indecisive about booking their shoot?
“Just do it! “